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Showing posts from August, 2022

The Ultimate Guide To Paying Off Your Student Loan Faster

  The Ultimate Guide To Paying Off Your Student Loan Faster Image Source: FreeImages ‍ With student loan debt hitting over $1.5 trillion, it’s now the second-largest source of personal debt for American households. As of June 2018, the average Class of 2018 graduate has amassed $20,990 in student loan debt. That’s a lot of money to pay back quickly — especially if you want to buy a home, start a family, or invest in another degree sooner rather than later. Fortunately, there are ways to pay off your student loans faster. By reading this article and putting its advice into action, you could save tens of thousands of dollars and pay off your loans years sooner than you previously expected. What is the best way to pay off student loans? There are several ways to pay off student loans faster. Finding the one that works best for you will depend on your current financial situation and goals. You might find that a combination of strategies works best, too. To fully understand how you can pay

10 Decisions That Will Make You a Millionaire In A Very Short Time

One warm summer day, we reached out to a well-known wealthy person in our city, with the aim to pick his brain. He graciously accepted to meet with us. We had heard that he started out as low-income worker in the city. During the meeting we were eager to know how he became a millionaire with such a humble beginning. In this video, we will summarize some the principles he learnt and used on his journey to success. We all love money and are willing to work hard to get it. But what if you could become a millionaire without doing anything extraordinary? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, believe it or not, a million dollars can be yours in no more than 10 different life changing decisions. These could all be minor choices that add up over time; but combined together, they will take you from being a broke college student or a low-wage worker, to a financially independent person or a millionaire. Here is how you can become a millionaire in 10 easy steps: Number one. Change Your Mindset

How To Grow Your Crypto Investments Using Warren Buffett's Stock Investment Strategies


Best Crypto Investment Strategies From Warren Buffet's Investment Style

You've probably heard about Warren Buffet. Who hasn't? The Oracle of Omaha is undoubtedly one of the greatest investors of all time and his stock market tips are among the most sought-after advice around. In this video, we will explore his best stock investment advice and how they could also be applied to crypto investment. When it comes to investing, there are two primary options: stocks and crypto. These two assets have a lot of similarities which makes them a natural fit for an investment. That being said, they are not the same and not suitable for everyone. In this video, we’ll explain the key similarities between investing in stocks and investing in crypto.  For starters, let's review some of the basics of stocks and cryptocurrency and refresh our knowledge of these investment instruments for those of us that are already very conversant with them. What is a Stock Investment? In the stock market, investors buy shares of a company — whether publicly traded or privately o

How to Invest in Stocks and Crypto: Comparing the Two Investment Vehicles

  How to Invest in Stocks and Crypto: Comparing the Two Investment Vehicles Image Source: FreeImages ‍ When it comes to investing, there are two primary options: stocks and crypto. These two assets have a lot of similarities which makes them a natural fit for an investment. That being said, they are not the same and not suitable for everyone. In this article, we’ll explain the key differences between investing in stocks and investing in crypto. Both of these investments carry risks and rewards — so choose wisely. Read on to know more about how they work and the risks they pose. What is a Stock Investment? In the stock market, investors buy shares of a company — whether publicly traded or privately owned. They can choose among a variety of stocks and make an investment based on their analysis of the company’s financial performance, future prospects, and possible growth. The reason for investing in these companies is to generate a return on the initial investment. As time passes, the sha

Warren Buffet's Best Stock Investment Advice

  Warren Buffet's Best Stock Investment Advice Image Source: FreeImages ‍ If you’ve read some of our articles before, then you probably know that we are huge fans of Warren Buffett. The Oracle of Omaha is undoubtedly one of the greatest investors of all time and his stock market tips are among the most sought-after advice around. In this article, we will explore 10 of his best stock investment advice that every investor should know. Know what you’re investing in Buffett is one of the most famous investors of our time because he has consistently been able to outperform the stock market over the long term. However, he has also been very consistent in the way he does it. He does not have any special analytical skills or tools that enable him to predict the future. Instead, he focuses on two core principles that have made him a billionaire. First, he focuses on investing in proven companies with strong fundamentals. This approach has proven to be extremely successful because it elimina