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Things That Will Happen When The Stock Market Crashes

  Things That Will Happen When The Stock Market Crashes Image Source: FreeImages ‍ The stock market has taken a hit in recent days. The Dow fell more than 1,100 points on Monday and again on Tuesday, its second-biggest drop ever. Many are calling the current moment a stock market correction, meaning it’s not necessarily cause for alarm or action. But what would happen if the stock market crashes? Do you have plans in place if it does? How much do you personally stand to lose if that happens? These are just some of the questions we all need answers to. And while there’s no way of knowing when or even if the market will crash again, preparing now can go a long way towards mitigating any potential downside. What is a Stock Market Crash? A stock market crash occurs when there is a rapid and significant decline in the overall stock market. This can lead to a decline in company earnings and a decline in the economy. Major examples of stock market crashes include the Wall Street Crash of 1929
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How To Grow Your Crypto Investments Using Warren Buffett's Stock Investment Strategies


Best Crypto Investment Strategies From Warren Buffet's Investment Style

You've probably heard about Warren Buffet. Who hasn't? The Oracle of Omaha is undoubtedly one of the greatest investors of all time and his stock market tips are among the most sought-after advice around. In this video, we will explore his best stock investment advice and how they could also be applied to crypto investment. When it comes to investing, there are two primary options: stocks and crypto. These two assets have a lot of similarities which makes them a natural fit for an investment. That being said, they are not the same and not suitable for everyone. In this video, we’ll explain the key similarities between investing in stocks and investing in crypto.  For starters, let's review some of the basics of stocks and cryptocurrency and refresh our knowledge of these investment instruments for those of us that are already very conversant with them. What is a Stock Investment? In the stock market, investors buy shares of a company — whether publicly traded or privately o