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Things That Will Happen When The Stock Market Crashes


Things That Will Happen When The Stock Market Crashes

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The stock market has taken a hit in recent days. The Dow fell more than 1,100 points on Monday and again on Tuesday, its second-biggest drop ever. Many are calling the current moment a stock market correction, meaning it’s not necessarily cause for alarm or action. But what would happen if the stock market crashes? Do you have plans in place if it does? How much do you personally stand to lose if that happens? These are just some of the questions we all need answers to. And while there’s no way of knowing when or even if the market will crash again, preparing now can go a long way towards mitigating any potential downside.

What is a Stock Market Crash?

A stock market crash occurs when there is a rapid and significant decline in the overall stock market. This can lead to a decline in company earnings and a decline in the economy. Major examples of stock market crashes include the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression, the Black Monday decline of 1987, and the Dot-com bubble burst in 2000. A stock market crash can occur due to a variety of reasons, including a decline in company earnings, an unexpected event that causes investors to panic, such as a war, or a general loss of confidence in the market. The decline may be sudden or gradual, and it may or may not correct itself.

Financial Fallout of a Market Crash

- A decline in the number of IPOs: During a market crash, it becomes far less attractive for companies to go public and raise funds in the public markets. This decline in IPOs means there will be less money available for growing companies. - Declining income from stocks: Investors who own stocks will see a decline in their incomes. This will reduce spending, which can have a significant negative impact on the economy. - Declining wealth: The net worth of individuals who own stocks will decline, which can have a significant psychological effect on their spending. - Decline in company values: Declines in company earnings will reduce the value of stocks, lowering the wealth of shareholders.

Strategies for Protecting Your Portfolio

- Diversification: This is absolutely crucial in any investment strategy. Simply put, you should never have all your eggs in one basket. If you have a portfolio of stocks, it’s a good idea to have a mix of stocks across different sectors and industries. - Investing in value stocks: Some stocks tend to decline more quickly in a market crash than others. But the ones that are hurt the most are the growth stocks, which are priced very aggressively with high expectations for future growth. Value stocks tend to hold up better in a market crash. - Investing in cash: Having a portion of your portfolio in cash can be helpful in a market crash. Cash is not going to lose a significant amount of value when the stock market takes a dive. - Holding a portion in gold or silver: It’s generally a bad idea to completely avoid stocks. But having a small portion of your portfolio in precious metals can help hedge against a market crash. - Reducing your bond exposure: You don’t want to overdo it with the cash or precious metals. But holding too many long-term bonds can leave you vulnerable to a market crash.

Ways to Short the Market

- You can short stocks by selling shares that you do not own. If you sell a stock that you don’t own, you’re borrowing it from someone who does own that stock. You then have to buy that stock at some point in the future and return it to its original owner. In the process, you make a profit if the price of the stock goes down. There are a number of ways you can short the market, including through an ETF that shorts the market, a short fund, or an options strategy. Shorting the market is a risky strategy that can lead to significant losses if the market goes up rather than down. But it can be useful for those who want to make money on a market crash.


A stock market crash is not something that happens overnight. It’s a process that happens slowly over time as more and more investors lose confidence in the market. The first step towards protecting your portfolio is being aware of the signs of a market crash. When confidence in the market starts to decline, investors will try to exit their investments. If too many people try to sell at once, it could lead to a significant decline in the value of stocks. You can protect yourself from this by diversifying your investments across a wide range of sectors.


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