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Showing posts from September, 2022

Things That Will Happen When The Stock Market Crashes

  Things That Will Happen When The Stock Market Crashes Image Source: FreeImages ‍ The stock market has taken a hit in recent days. The Dow fell more than 1,100 points on Monday and again on Tuesday, its second-biggest drop ever. Many are calling the current moment a stock market correction, meaning it’s not necessarily cause for alarm or action. But what would happen if the stock market crashes? Do you have plans in place if it does? How much do you personally stand to lose if that happens? These are just some of the questions we all need answers to. And while there’s no way of knowing when or even if the market will crash again, preparing now can go a long way towards mitigating any potential downside. What is a Stock Market Crash? A stock market crash occurs when there is a rapid and significant decline in the overall stock market. This can lead to a decline in company earnings and a decline in the economy. Major examples of stock market crashes include the Wall Street Crash of 1929

What Exactly is a Student Loan and How Do They Work? - The Definitive Guide to Student Loans

  What Exactly is a Student Loan and How Do They Work? - The Definitive Guide to Student Loans Did you know that in the U.S. alone, there is over $1 trillion worth of student loan debt? This makes it one of the largest sources of personal debt in the country. However, for students who want to continue their education beyond high school and maybe even pursue a college graduate degree, student loans can be an excellent way to fund your education and become eligible for future job opportunities with a higher salary. There are different types of student loans available today and each has its own set of pros and cons. Depending on your financial situation, you might be eligible for one type of loan over another. In this article, we will take you through everything you need to know about Student Loans including what they are exactly, how they work, the different types available to you as well as tips on how to get one if you need it! What is a Student Loan? A student loan is a type of financ